Request a Training

The Commission is committed to eliminating discrimination through outreach, training, research and education.

All trainings include an overview of the Commission and Q&A session. 

  • Sexual Harassment: An overview of State and Federal discrimination laws regarding sexual harassment, including but not limited to: types of sexual harassment, identifying, reporting & receiving complaints of sexual harassment, liability, and retaliation. 
  • Employment Law: An overview of the law of discrimination and how it applies in the workplace. Topics include: harassment, disability, accommodations (disability & religious), differing treatment, retaliation, policies & employer/employee rights under State and Federal discrimination laws. 
  • Housing: An overview of the law of discrimination and how it applies to housing. Topics include: Fair Housing Act, disability accommodations and modifications, service and emotional support animals, harassment, retaliation, familial status, and landlord/housing provider and tenant rights. 
  • Disability: An overview of State law and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended. Topics include: what defines a disability, mental and physical disabilities, reasonable accommodations, essential functions, medical documentation, pre-employment inquiries and retaliation. 
  • Youth at Work: Please visit the Youth at Work page for more information

If you are interested in a training not listed above, a combination of trainings, or only a specific topic (i.e.: service animals, not just service animals as they apply in housing), Please select "Other" in the form below.

Request a Training

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