
Since 1995, the Commission has offered a free, voluntary and confidential mediation program as a method of alternative dispute resolution. The program utilizes a combination of both Commission and volunteer mediators which help facilitate communication and negotiations, in an effort of reaching a mutually agreeable resolution.

Why Choose Mediation?

  • It’s QUICK - Avoid a lengthy investigation and possibility of unnecessary litigation. 
  • It’s CONFIDENTIAL - Both parties and the mediator sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure information revealed during mediation is not shared. 
  • It’s EFFECTIVE - The NHCHR’s program has a current average success rate of 68% 

Potential Resolutions 

  • Back pay 
  • Front pay
  • Compensatory damages 
  • Reinstatement 
  • Letter of reference 
  • Attorney costs/fees 
  • Written apology 
  • Employer training
  • Charitable donation 

What Happens if Mediation is Unsuccessful? 

There is no penalty when mediation is unsuccessful. The case will be assigned to an investigator in the order it was received and be fully investigated. Information shared during mediation is not provided to investigative staff. 


stack of paperMediation Packet

For detailed information regarding the mediation process & preparing for mediation download the Mediation Information Sheets

Two women sitting at a desk talking

Are you an attorney or certified mediator and interested in becoming a volunteer for the Commission’s Mediation Program? Contact our Mediation Coordinator